Why Your Blink Camera Blinking Blue

Hamza Liaqat

Hamza Liaqat

· 9 min read
Blink Camera Blinking Blue

When your Blink camera blinks blue, it typically indicates that it is in setup mode or is actively attempting to connect to a Wi-Fi network. The camera is trying to establish a reliable internet connection, which is necessary to work correctly and issue warnings or stream footage, as this blinking blue light indicates.

If the blinking continues for an extended period, it could mean that the camera is having trouble connecting to your network, possibly due to signal strength issues or incorrect Wi-Fi credentials.

Understanding these signals helps you troubleshoot connectivity problems, ensuring your Blink camera operates smoothly and provides reliable home security.

Turning off the blue light on your Blink camera is straightforward and helps maintain discreet monitoring. To turn off the blue recording indicator, follow these steps:

  • Open the Blink app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the camera you wish to adjust.
  • Tap the settings icon (usually a gear symbol) to access the camera settings.
  • Look for the “Status LED” option within the settings menu.
  • Choose “Off” to disable the blue light.

By doing this, you can ensure that your Blink camera is less evident while filming by turning off the blue light.

You can alternatively select "Recording" to have the blue light appear just while the camera is actively recording if you would rather have a more subdued display.

You can adjust this parameter to suit your needs and preferences for the visibility of your camera.

If your Blink camera blinks blue, it indicates that the device is attempting to connect to a Wi-Fi network or is in setup mode. Here’s a guide to troubleshooting this issue:

Check Wi-Fi Credentials: Ensure you have entered the correct Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password. Incorrect credentials will prevent the camera from connecting.

Signal Strength: Poor Wi-Fi signal strength can cause connection issues. Place your camera closer to the router to see if the blinking stops. If the signal is weak, you might need a Wi-Fi extender.

Reboot the Camera: Try restarting the camera by removing and reinserting the batteries. Alternatively, you can unplug it and plug it back in if it uses an external power source.

Router Settings: Verify that your router is not blocking the camera’s access. Ensure that MAC address filtering is disabled or the camera’s MAC address is allowed.

Firmware Updates: Check the Blink app for any available firmware updates. An outdated firmware version can sometimes cause connectivity issues.

Reset and Reinstall: As a last resort, you can reset the camera to its factory settings and reinstall it through the Blink app. This often resolves persistent connection problems.

Resetting your Blink camera can often resolve the blinking blue light issue, which indicates connectivity problems. Here’s how to reset your Blink camera:

Locate the Reset Button: Find the camera reset button, usually near the battery compartment or on the back of the device.

Press and Hold: Use a small, pointed object to press and hold the reset button for about 10-15 seconds until the blue light stops blinking or turns off.

Reconfigure the Camera: Open the Blink app on your smartphone or tablet. Follow the on-screen instructions to add your camera back to your system, ensuring you enter the correct Wi-Fi credentials.

Update Firmware: After resetting, check for any available firmware updates in the Blink app and install them.

If your Blink camera blinks blue after a firmware update, the device tries reconnecting to your Wi-Fi network or finalizing the update process. Here’s how to address this issue:

Wait and Observe: Allow a few minutes for the camera to complete the update and reconnect. Sometimes, the process takes a bit of time.

Check Wi-Fi Credentials: Ensure the camera has the correct Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password entered. Incorrect credentials will prevent reconnection.

Improve Signal Strength: If the camera is far from the router, move it closer to ensure a strong Wi-Fi signal.

Restart the Camera: Remove and reinsert the batteries or unplug and replug the power source to reboot the camera.

Reset the Camera: If the blinking persists, perform a factory reset and set up the camera again through the Blink app.

To fix the blinking blue light issue on Blink Indoor cameras, follow these steps:

Check Wi-Fi Credentials: Ensure the correct Wi-Fi network name and password are entered. Incorrect credentials will prevent the camera from connecting.

Improve Signal Strength: Move the camera closer to the router to ensure a stronger Wi-Fi signal. A weak signal can cause connection problems.

Restart the Camera: Remove and reinsert the batteries or unplug and plug back in the power source to reboot the camera.

Update Firmware: Check the Blink app for any available firmware updates and install them to resolve potential software issues.

Reset the Camera: As a last resort, perform a factory reset and reinstall the camera through the Blink app.

To fix the blinking blue light on Blink Outdoor cameras, follow these steps:

Check Wi-Fi Credentials: Ensure the correct Wi-Fi network name and password are entered. Incorrect credentials prevent the camera from connecting.

Improve Signal Strength: Move the camera closer to the router to boost Wi-Fi signal strength. Weak signals can cause connection issues.

Restart the Camera: Remove and reinsert the batteries, or unplug and replug the power source to reboot the camera.

Update Firmware: Use the Blink app to check for and install any available firmware updates to resolve potential software issues.

Reset the Camera: As a last resort, perform a factory reset and reinstall the camera via the Blink app.

While a blinking blue light on a Blink camera commonly indicates connectivity issues, there are other problems it may signal:

Low Battery: If the battery level is low, the camera may blink blue to alert you. Replace the batteries or recharge the camera if it's battery-powered.

Offline Status: A blinking blue light may indicate the camera is offline. Check the Wi-Fi connection and ensure the camera is within range of the router.

Firmware Update: During a firmware update, the camera may blink blue to indicate the update process. Wait for the update to complete.

Wi-Fi Network Issues: If the Wi-Fi network is experiencing problems, such as a temporary outage or interference, the camera may blink blue until the issue is resolved.

Hardware Malfunction: A blinking blue light could sometimes indicate a hardware malfunction. Try resetting the camera or contacting Blink customer support for further assistance.

Software Glitch: Occasionally, a glitch may cause the camera to blink blue. Try rebooting the camera or reinstalling the Blink app to resolve the issue.

The Summary

The blinking blue light on your Blink camera typically indicates it's trying to connect to Wi-Fi or is in setup mode. If this persists, it might signify network issues or incorrect credentials. To turn off the blue light, use the Blink app. Troubleshooting involves checking Wi-Fi credentials and signal strength, rebooting the camera, updating firmware, and resetting the device if necessary. Please give the camera some time to reconnect after a firmware upgrade. For both inside and outdoor cameras, follow these steps. The flickering blue light can also indicate other difficulties, such as low power, offline status, firmware updates, Wi-Fi network troubles, hardware failures, or software bugs. By figuring out these difficulties, you can address connectivity and functionality concerns and ensure your Blink camera works properly for home security.

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Hamza Liaqat

About Hamza Liaqat

Hamza Liaqat, our tech maestro, is a software engineer with a passion for cutting-edge technologies and experience of more than 7 years in tech industry. As the founder of DifferentDaily.com, he navigates the tech frontier, unraveling AI, Blockchain, and Web3 intricacies. Hamza's troubleshooting finesse and commitment to practical solutions make him your go-to guide for all things tech. Welcome to innovation, curated by Hamza Liaqat.